CEO Stories: From Promise to Proof

With a public demonstration set to start next summer through New York State and the New York Power Authority, Cadenza Innovation will be showing how its fireproof lithium-ion battery technology can store and supply clean, safe, cheap energy. The batteries, which can be snapped together like Lego pieces, allow for virtually infinite storage capacity. A successful test with Chrysler-FIAT's electric 500 e model shows the technology’s promise for the car market.
Dr. Lampe-Önnerud admits that her commitment to the tripod of safety, cost, and performance was initially met with some skepticism in the energy community. She has proven the skeptics wrong by meeting the Department of Energy's strict guidelines for requirements around safety, range, and cost and engaging the Department of Defense for testing around durability and safety. By working with angel investors, Lampe-Onnerund says she has the luxury of a long-time horizon, with no “artificial driver” for investors to exit, allowing her “to do well by doing good.”
A licensing deal with China’s Shenzhen BAK Power Battery Company, one of the world’s top 10 lithium-ion manufacturers, is further proof of the technology’s potential. Additional credibility comes from Cadenza being named as a Technology Pioneer by the World Economic Forum (an honor bestowed on Lampe-Onnerund’ previous company, Boston Power), giving her a voice in shaping the conversation about the future of energy. Her vision: a collaborative, global ecosystem where all players are working toward the common goal of a better-performing, lower-cost solution.