CEO STORIES: Cortney Stapleton, Exponent Women | Raising Women’s Deal-Making Power

Exponent Women was founded by ten women from various backgrounds who had done business together with the goal of providing a “safe space” for women to deepen their professional ties. Studies show that women tend to segment their relationships and are often reluctant to mix friendship and business. Exponent encourages women to better leverage their networks, rethink boundaries, and be upfront about what they’re looking for professionally.
In contrast to groups that merely facilitate expanding their networks, Exponent makes it clear that it’s not just okay, but imperative, to go for “the ask.” The advantage of having senior women with experience in deal making is that they are all in a position to potentially work together and make things happen. Stapleton also points out that women need to set know the right time to go from offering advice and just brainstorming to asking to be paid for the value of their expertise and experience.
Originally focused on the East Coast, Exponent has expanded its footprint geographically and otherwise thanks to the pandemic and the elimination of in-person events. An adjunct organization, Momentum, will be focused on more junior women and offer mentoring. Women – and men – from different parts of the country are participating in events, and Exponent prides itself on having been focused on inclusion and diversity from its inception several years ago. In terms of deal making, the sector that is garnering the greatest interest now is healthcare.